Read these 166 Conditions Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Alternative Health tips and hundreds of other topics.
Bananas are one of Mother Nature's tastiest and most helpful fruits, especially when it comes to mood! This is because just ONE banana contains over a quarter of the RDA of vitamin B6, and this nutrient is extremely helpful in preventing depression and irritability especially that associated with PMS. Bananas' high carbohydrate level also does incredible things to help raise levels of the mood-lifting brain chemical serotonin. Just one or two ripe bananas a day can work wonders.
Thyroid problems often present themselves through symptoms resembling anxiety. If you are experiencing heart palpitations, the inability to concentrate, insomnia, or excessive sweating - CHECK with your doctor to rule out thyroid problems.
The Chinese believe strongly in the power of sweating to drive out a pathogen that has invaded the body causing an illness. One of the best recipes for a "sweat-promoting" tea is to combine 1 teaspoon of minced fresh ginger, the juice of 1 lemon and a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper. Add 8 ounces of boiling water and steep 5 to 10 minutes. Sweeten with honey if wanted and strain before drinking. Best if consumed right before retiring for the night.
If you have somehow ended up with a black eye, one of the best treatments is to place a plain old black tea bag moistened with cool water over the injured eye socket. The tannins in the tea work to shrink swollen tissue and also help dialated blood vessels to contracts, which will ease inflammation. Caffeine can be absorbed through the body, so it's best to use decaffeinated tea bags.
Coenzyme Q 10 is no new-comer to the health world but it may be a supplement some people don't know much about. Its incredible antioxidant power has been proven highly effective in helping combat congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, hypertension, periodontal disease, and other forms of heart disease. It is widely prescibed for heart conditions in Europe, Israel and Japan, frequently in conjunction with conventional medications, not instead of them.
Inositol,(a supplement available at health food stores) maintains levels of serotonin, a brain chemical that regulates mood and has been found to relieve some behavioral disorders. Studies reported in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that high doses (12g daily) have been helpful in reducing the frequency and severity of panic attacks. Recommended intake to combat mild anxiety is 1 or 2 g of Inositol daily - along with a B-complex supplement. The good news is that no side effects have been reported.
Hawthorn is one of the superstars of the herbal world when it comes to its remarkable powers to improve the cardiovascular circulatory system. It possesses substances that act as antioxidants, which can help atherosclerosis and also help prevent the buildup of cholesterol in the liver. When taken regularly, extracts of hawthorn dilate coronary blood vessels, which then helps blood flow better throughout the body. It's also great for varicose veins & hemorrhoids.
I always thought having "egg" on one's face wasn't a good idea, until I read that real egg can help ease acne due to the egg's high vitamin A content. To ease acne or an irritated complexion, mix up a raw egg and apply to face. Leave mixture on at least 15 minutes and then wash off with water. Pat face dry. *Remember to avoid contact of raw egg with mouth due to risk of Samonella ( a bacteria in raw egg) - and wash your hands thoroughly after applying mixture to face.
You might have heard that chocolate, because of its flavonoid content from the cocoa bean, is actually good for your heart. The extra good news is chocolate is also good for brain chemicals, especially in the production of serotonin and endorphins - both chemicals known to brighten your mood and relieve pain. Before you rush out and stock up on chocolate bars, the recommended intake to help stimulate brain chemicals is two walnut-sized pieces daily...but hey, think how munching on even two pieces of chocolate will be! More than that and you risk a rapid rise & fall of blood sugar, which will make you very crabby.
If you're looking for some extra ways to get more calcium into your diet, here's a list of foods that can help you do it easily!
Values are based on a 1 cup serving, except for the sardines & cottage cheese, which are based on just a half cup serving.
Food Calcium per Serving (mg)
*Sardines 375
*Yogurt 350
*Calcium-fortified fruit juice 300
*Nonfat milk 300
*Swiss cheese 270
*Spinach 245
*Baked beans 155
*Tofu 150
*Broccoli 136
*Carrots 100
*Almonds 80
*Cottage cheese 78
Chiropractic adjustments can actually help eliminate chronic ear infections by helping the ear drainage return to a normal state. The adjustment removes what is called vertebral subluxation, which is the misalignment of spinal bones that disturbs the nerve energy flow. This then helps the middle ear to drain properly. No matter HOW many drugs your child takes to try to correct chronic ear infections the problem will continue UNTIL the middle ear can drain properly.
Effective for adults also and it can ELIMINATE the need for ear tubes for kids. Scientific studies have shown that chiropractic treatment can DOUBLE your immune response, naturally and totally WITHOUT drugs.
Stinging Nettle has been widely used in Germany for treating allergies, hayfever and prostate problems. A typical dosage is two to three 300 mg capsules of freeze-dried nettle. There has been some concern that nettle can interfere with diabetes or high blood pressure medications, but no actual cases have been proven. Other helpful supplements for allergies include quercetin and other flavonoids. Some studies suggest that quercetin actually works like the drug Intal, which halts the release of allergenic substances into the body. The recommended dosage for quercetin is 200 to 400 mg three times a day - and it's better absorbed if taken on an empty stomach.
Potassium is one of the essential minerals we obtain from a number of common foods like bananas, orange juice, potatoes, avocados, tomatoes, cantaloupes and peaches. Potassium citrate supplements appear to be moderately helpful in lowering hypertension, especially among people who eat too much salt. Current theraputic dosage is between 200 to 400 mg taken 3 to 4 times a day. It's advised to also include magnesium & extra B-12 as well.
As we age, our bodies slow down in the production of hydrochloric acid, a necessary stomach acid that helps break down protein for absorption into the bloodstream. Sipping a weak solution of apple cider vinegar can help assist the natural breakdown of food in the stomach, thus helping the stomach to digest food more efficiently. A mixture of 2 tablespoons of vinegar and a touch of honey in an 8 ounce glass of water can be highly effective for better digestion. Avoid vinegar if you have stomach ulcers, as increased irritation may occur.
German researchers discovered as early as 1965, that chili peppers are good for the blood as a fibrinolytic (clot-dissolving) stimulant. Thai doctors credit the regular consumption of chili peppers as a reason thromboembolism (life-threatening blood clots) are rare among the Thais, especially when compared to the Americans. This amazing effect occurs after consuming chili peppers and although the effect is short-lived, scientists believe that the regular consumption of chili peppers helps reduce the risk with each intake of the peppers. So, break out those peppers and help your body keep blood clot threats at bay.
Dandelion is a wonderful diuretic, as well as being helpful to the gallbladder and liver, where it works to relieve congestion & jaundice problems. It is high in potassium and vitamin A & D.
There are a number of herbs helpful in calming anxiety and one of the best is Kava Kava. The Natural Health Bible recommends that the daily dosage should not exceed 300 mg of kavalactones (the name for the active principles of kava). Kava should NOT be mixed with alcohol, prescription anxiety drugs, sedatives or any other drugs that depress mental function. Other helpful herbs or supplements include skullcap, hops, lemon balm, chamomile, passionflower and 5-HTP. Extra selenium (200 mcg daily) and flaxseed oil (2 to 6 tablespoons daily) can also help relieve anxiety in some people. I usually take a calcium, magnesium and zinc tablet, plus a B-complex tablet, too. It's also important to phase caffeine out of your life
A diet plentiful in spinach, kale, collard greens and broccoli, foods rich in lutein (a yellow carotene that is also concentrated in your retinas) can offer incredible help in keeping your eyes healthy. Studies confirmed that macular degeneration, the progressive deterioration of the central retina, was less for those who ate more lutein and other carotene-dense foods. Dr. Steven Pratt of Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, CA, says that is because, "Lutein in the lens acts as nature's own sunglasses because lutein and a related cartotene (zeaxanthin), produced by the body from lutein, absorb blue light, the most dangerous type of light for the eyes."
Recommended daily supplements include Lutein (6 mg), carotenes (5,000 to 10,000 IU) to help prevent cataracts, zinc (30 mg), Vitamin A (5,000 IU), Vitamin C (500 mg) and Vitamin E (400 IU).
If you've got a scratchy, irritated sore throat, try mixing 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (you be the judge of what you can tolerate) and mix into a 6 ounce glass of tepid water. Gargle three or four times daily and your sore throat should improve rapidly from the vinegar's antibacterial power.
Most of us know we need adequate amounts of calcium for strong bones but it's important to also know that when it comes to osteoporosis, we MUST get the proper amounts of magnesium, manganese, vitamin K and boron.
You can help meet magnesium needs by eating soybeans, wheat germ, seafood and dairy items. For extra manganese eat nuts, especially hazelnuts & pecans, avocados & oatmeal.
Vitamin K is found in leafy green vegetables, especially spinach, broccoli, green cabbage & tomatoes, while boron is found in carrots, applesauce, broccoli, peaches, pears & cherries.
Bulking agents like those containing psyllium seed (like Metamucil or Konsyl) or those containing methycellulose (like Citrucel) can help keep the stool soft, moist and easy to pass. These don't require a prescription and can help those who suffer from problems with dry stool. Do NOT rely solely on these items though and make sure to include healthy fiber-rich foods into your diet and make sure you drink at least two quarts of water daily.
Some good herbal treatments for acne include Calendula, which is derived from the marigold plant. It comes as a cream, lotion and also many health food stores carry the dried herb, which can be prepared as a face wash by adding 2 tablespoons of the herb to one cup of boiling water. Allow it to soak for about 10 minutes, strain and store liquid in refrigerator. Use cotton balls to swab your face at least three times a day. Dabbing tea tree oil (5 percent strength) on inflamed areas also helps. Emu oil has also been extremely helpful for most skin inflammations.
Each year, chest pain causes over 6 million Americans to pay a hasty visit to emergency rooms across the country. The decision to go to an ER can sometimes be a stressful one to make, especially if someone can't decide if the problem is just heartburn or if it truly is the signs of an actual heart attack.
The decision to just chalk the problem up to digestive problems can be DEADLY, so keep in mind that although heartburn can produce severe painful symptoms that can mimic heart attack symptoms, an actual heart attack will frequently be accompanied by pain that radiates up into the jaw or out along an arm. Generally, heartburn erupts shortly after eating and will cause a burning sensation in your chest, and can be followed by horseness, a sore throat, or a foul acidic acid taste in the back of your mouth.
15 percent of ER patients do discover that their problem is just heartburn BUT this is one area you don't want to gamble with - so pop an aspirin and get to a doctor if you have the slightest doubt.
Some of the best treatments for hypertension are garlic & Coenzyme Q 10. Typical doses for garlic are 900 mg daily of a garlic powder extract standardized to contain 1.3 % alliin (which is about 12,000 mcg of alliin). Doses of Coenzyme Q 10 are 30 to 100 mg 3 times a day. Make sure you get at least 750 to 1,000 mg daily of calcium and 350 mg of magnesium. The herb Hawthorn can also help. Remember, Garlic acts as a blood thinner, so DO NOT mix with other blood thinners like Coumadin (warfarin) or Trental - or ginko or high doses of vitamin E. Avoid supplemental calcium & magnesium if you have kidney or heart disease, cancer or a history of kidney stones
Dr. Jonathan Zuess, a Phoenix-based psychiatrist, recommends an hour walk in the early morning sun as one of the best natural antidepressant helpers. Light is VITAL for our bodies to maintain production of key hormones and brain chemicals, so getting too little light can create a problem, namely depression. Don't let the lack of sunlight trigger this problem, especially during the winter or rainy months. If you can't go strolling in the sun make it a priority to purchase a full-spectrum light box and full-spectrum light bulbs, which mimic natural light. These can be purchased at most natural health stores or check out Internet listings for full-spectrum light products.
A few chili peppers can open up your airways if you are suffering from a cold, bronchitis or even emphysema - and here's why. The pungent component of capsiacin in the peppers causes a sudden secretion in your throat and bronchial passages, which actually thins the mucus in the lungs and pushes it along. This causes the secretions to be less sticky and thick and acts as an expectorant like Robitussin.
It may sound too good to be true but researchers have found that chocolate ( the dark or bitter-sweet kind) has more than three times as many antioxidant compounds known as flavonoids. This is VERY good news for chocolate lovers who also care about heart-health because flavonoids keep blood platelets from sticking together and forming clots, the short-term cause of most heart attacks. Milk chocolate has about as much antioxidant power as red wine does, but if you're a white chocolate lover, you're out of luck - as it has NO flavonoids at all.
Foods to avoid when you have a sore throat include:
cold drinks, dairy products, sugar, coffee, tea, alcohol, and foods rich in animal fats. These all have certain properties that can increase pain associated with sore throats.
Vioxx and Celebrex are commonly prescribed for arthritic pain and inflammation. Both can have serious side effects, including gastric bleeding, so why not try their NATURAL counterpart - Holy Basil? This outstanding herb does the SAME things as these damaging drugs. Holy Basil (not the same as the common seasoning type basil) inhibits the production of the Cox-2 enzyme primarily responsible for inflammation pain. It does so WITHOUT any side effects. It's been used in India for ages, plus it's great for depression and energy levels. All it takes is just two capsules a day. One of the best brands available is made by New Chapter.
Anti-bilious herbs work to help neutralize and remove excess bile, as well as to assist liver function in overcoming jaundice problems. Herbs best for these type conditions include Barberry, Dandelion Root, Golden seal, Wild Yam & Gentian.
To prevent heartburn woes, try cooking with herbs like basil, bay leaves, caraway, ginger, majoram, orgegano, savory, or thyme!
Many of us recall Mom bringing out the Vicks-Vapo-Rub when we came down with childhood colds and sore throats. The base ingredient, eucalyptus, really does help relieve symptoms because it has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic properties. I still swear by its powers and when I get a sore throat, out comes the Vicks, a clean white tube sock, and a safety pin. Vicks gets rubbed from my glands by my ears, on my throat area and on goes the sock. This is especially helpful at bedtime.
If you're not a faithful flosser, you may want to add this small step into your daily routine. Researchers have linked an increased risk of heart disease to people who also suffer from gum disease. Flossing can be even more important than brushing your teeth since it gets down beneath the gumline to dislodge buildups capable of causing periodontal or gum disease. A few extra minutes flossing can give you one more tool to help combat the threat of heart disease.
Malic acid and magnesium are involved in energy production in many cells of the body, PARTICULARLY muscle cells. Since the muscles are one of the top areas affected by fibromyalgia, tending to their needs is essential if one is attempting to defeat fibromyalgia effects. These nutrients are also needed for sugar metabolism. Doses vary according to manufacturers, so follow directions on container, BUT do include this NECESSARY nutrient into your daily routine.
Coenzyme Q 10, is a vital supplement for those who suffer from fibromyalgia. It improves oxygenation of the tissues, enhances the effectiveness of the immune system, protects the heart, and can help build up energy levels. Recommended dose is 75 mg daily.
Shiitake mushrooms contain oligosaccharides, substances known to be POTENT immune system stimulators. They have been revered in Japan & China as a medical herb for thousands of years. Traditional intake of the whole, dried shiitake mushroom, in soups or a decoction, is 6 to 16 grams a day. Or tincture in the amount of 2 to 4 ml per day can be substituted. Doses over 15 to 20 grams a day can cause bloating & diarrhea.
Evening Oil of Primrose (EPO) has no reported problems with adverse interactions with any medications at this time. It is advised, however, to make sure you take magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, niacin, and vitamin B to insure the full benefits of the supplement. IEPO has been used to treat diabetes, eczema, Rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol withdrawal, fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, atherosclerosis, MS, irritable bowel syndrome, Raynaud's disease, and attention deficit disorder.
Researchers generally recommend using between 3,000 to 6,000 mg of EPO daily.
Bioflavonoids are a class of water-soluble plant pigments and they can be broken down into categories like isoflavones, anthocyanins and flavones. Some better known bioflavonoids include the genistein in soy and also quercetin (found in onions). Their main claims to fame are that they can act as anti-inflammatories, antihistaminics and antiviral agents. They help improve the absorption of Vitamin C and they also offer antioxidant properties that can help protect LDL-cholesterol from oxidative damage. Bioflavonoids are very important to capillary health, especially Bilberry, which can be helpful to the eyes for helping to fight cataracts, and also helpful to the body if you are prone to bruising.
Bioflavonoid content is present in citrus fruits (mainly the white membrane of the fruit), soy products (flavanones), and anthocyanins in wine and bilberry. Flavans are also present in apples and tea.
The most common recommended doses are 1,000 mg of citrus bioflavonoids or 400 mg of Quercetin taken three times a day.
Lutein is a chemical found in green vegetables and it is excellent for combatting cataracts & macular degeneration. It is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that can harm the eye. Lutein can also provide protection against sun damage to our eyes. Doses range from 5 to 30 mg a day.
Alfalfa can help re-build a healthier digestive tract, plus it is an excellent source of vitamin K. It offers help to prevent bleeding, a common problem for those with cirrhosis, due to a deficieny in vitamin K.
Drinking 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice every morning and evening helps to clean and heal the digestive tract or it can be drunk in the form of herbal tea.
If you suffer from attacks of rapid heart beats (tachycardia) plunge your face into a basin of VERY cold water during the next attack. The icy cold water causes an automatic nervous response of plummeting your heart rate, which can help break the cycle of tachycardia for the moment.
Dr. Andrew Weil suggests cutting down on protein and eliminating dairy to help ease Lupus symptoms. Instead, add extra starches, and plenty of fresh fruits and veggies. He also suggests eating sardines packed in sardine oil (without salt) 3 times a week or taking flaxseed oil or black currant oil (500 mg a day) to help ease inflammation.
Bilberry, a close cousin to the blueberry, contains high levels of natural antioxidant compounds that are very helpful in preventing free radical damage associated with eye disorders like night blindness, cataracts and macular degeneration. It also helps strengthen small blood vessel that carry blood and oxygen to the eyes. It can be taken in capsule or tincture form or if you're a blueberry lover, one-half cup of fresh or frozen berries will do the trick.
You may have been told to go soak your head before but if you'd like a better night's sleep, soak your feet in a hot foot bath - a form of Physiotherapy. The heat draws the blood away from your brain (also good for relieving migraine headache pain but add your hands to the water also. A drop of lavender oil to the water enhances the effect even more.
Vioxx and Celebrex are commonly prescribed for arthritic pain and inflammation associated with fibromyalgia. Both can have serious side effects, including gastric bleeding, so why not try their NATURAL counterpart - Holy Basil? This outstanding herb does the SAME things as these damaging drugs. Holy Basil (not the same as the common seasoning type basil) inhibits the production of the Cox-2 enzyme primarily responsible for inflammation pain. It does so WITHOUT any side effects. It's been used in India for ages, plus it's great for depression and energy levels. All it takes is just two capsules a day. One of the best brands available is New Chapter.
The Chinese believe strongly in the power of sweating to drive out a pathogen that has invaded the body causing an illness. One of the best recipes for a "sweat-promoting" tea is to combine 1 teaspoon of minced fresh ginger, the juice of 1 lemon and a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper. Add 8 ounces of boiling water and steep 5 to 10 minutes. Sweeten with honey if wanted and strain before drinking. Best if consumed right before retiring for the night.
Friendly bacteria is a must for maintaining good health and also when rebounding from illnesses, including those involving sore throats. Since bacterial toxins are the cause of so much of what ails many of us, the naturopathic doctor believes that ridding the system of "unfriendly" bacteria and replacing it with "friendly" bacteria, is one of the most important steps we can take to re-claiming our health. Adding beneficial bacteria (also known as probiotics - like Lactobacillius acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum) will improve the intestinal flora, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, promote better digestion & increase immunity to illness. These supplements can be found at health food stores and are easy to take and can be tasty to boot!
Some studies have found that folks who consume lots of fish, especially salmon, trout, mackeral, and sardines, have 1/10 the rate of depression than those who don't eat fish. These type fish are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA), which many researchers believe are very important to the health of neuron or brain cells. If you suffer just a tad of depression, increasing your intake of these type fish may offer the lift your spirit needs, BUT if you're taking a stand against moderate depression, supplements are your better choice. Psychiatrist, Dr. Jonathan Zuess, generally recommends 10 g a day of DHA & EPA, which can add up to as many as 10 fish oil capsules daily. So, take them in divided doses with meals. *Better heart health is an extra bonus when you take this supplement!
According to Chinese medicine, the stomach meridian is one of several energy pathways that govern skin function. Press both ST 2 points, which are situated one finger-width below the lower ridge of each eye socket, in line with the center of the iris and in each indentation of the cheek. Hold the points for one minute and do this three times a day. For more in depth information refer to the book "Acupressure's Potent Points," by Michael Reed Gach.
Tingling in your extremities may be caused by a pinched nerve, which may required medical or chiropractic attention, but, it could also be a circulatory disease, Buerger's disease also known as thromboangitis obliterans. This is brought on by chronic inflammation of the blood vessels and early signs are a tingling sensation in the extremities. Supplements that may help include L-carnitine (500 mg twice a day) to help strengthen the heart muscle, which in turn promotes circulation by transporting long fatty acid chains. Garlic (2 capsules 3 times daily with food) helps strengthen the heart muscle and Chorophyll (as directed on label) enhances circulation, while Coenzyme Q 10 (100 mg daily) improves tissue oxygenation. Helpful circulatory herbs include Butcher's Broom, Cayenne, Ginko, and Horse Chestnut.
Eucalyptus oil can help reduce allergens if you just add about 5 drops to your rinse cycle while washing your bedding. The oil's antiseptic, antibiotic and deodorizing powers work wonders and the residual scent can be very relaxing.
To get a jump start on sore throat pain, begin taking zinc lozenges immediately. There are a number of different brands, some with added vitamin C and herbs, but you have to be the judge of what tickles your tastebuds. Some can be downright yucky - but others quite palatable. There are special brands made for kids and many brands for adults. Start with a 15 mg lozenge (which you dissolve in your mouth) every 3 waking hours for 3 days. Then reduce to 1 lozenge every 4 hours for a week. To be safe DO NOT exceed a total of 100 mg a day from all your supplements as too much of any mineral is not a good thing. The power of zinc, however, is very important in boosting the immune system.
Some natural pain relievers for Rheumatoid arthritis include: Evening Oil of Primrose,vitamin E, pantothenic acid,zinc, DL-phenylalanine, Flaxseed Oil, and Fish Oil supplements. Fish oil can act as a slight blood thinner, so it should NOT be combined with Coumadin (warfarin) or heparin unless okayed by a doctor. Helpful herbs include Bosellia, Devil's Claw, Curcumin, Ginger, White Willow, Sarsparilla, and also, Bromelain. German doctors advise using botanical oils, primarily camphor oil, eucalyptus, pine needle oil, and rosemary oil, as topical applications several times a day to affected joints. Switching to a vegetarian diet may also be helpful, in addition to identifying and avoiding possible food allergens that may irritate the system.
Studies have shown the nutrient 5-hydroxytryptophan better known as 5-HTP reportedly works in the same way as Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft. It works by increasing levels of serotonin, a brain chemical known to combat depression. Recommended dosage: Start with 100 mg at bedtime, and if you don't notice any significant results after 3 days, increase dose to 200 mg BUT split it - taking 100 mg in the morning and then 100 mg at bedtime. IF this doesn't do the trick after 3 days, up the dose to 400 mg, divided equally between morning and bedtime. Reduce to a lower dose once you are feeling positive results, but if 5-HTP doesn't work for you there are other natural choices - so check for these in the Alternative Health Depression Tip List.
Osteoporosis is a thinning of the bones - a disease in which the amount of calcium present in the bones slowly decreases to a point where bones become brittle and fragile, and can fracture with mild stress. Eighty percent of the more than 24 million Americans who have osteoporosis are women. As estrogen levels decrease, the risk of osteoporosis increases. It affects almost half of all women over 50 and almost 90 percent of those over age 75.
Make sure there's enough fiber in your diet. Hemorrhoids frequently become a problem when someone suffers from constipation, usually when enough fiber is NOT being ingested.
Easy ways to get the fiber your body needs to keep things running smoothly include eating:
*Fresh fruit, like apples, apricots, or plums
*Canned or dried fruit, like prunes or figs
*Fruit juices, like orange, prune, or fig
*Vegetables, like, celery, carrots, cabbage, lettuces, spinach, turnips
* Whole-grained products like brown rice, bran muffins, whole wheat breads, crackers, or even 3 to 4 tablespoons of bran a day sprinkled over your cereal will give your body the extra edge it needs to function properly.
Chelation therapy is a nonsurgical technique that removes accumulated metals in the body. It involves a series of intravenous injections of the amino acid ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) - which researchers believe can loosen the hold of the calcium - which in turn can capture aluminum in the body and release it as waste. Many scientists believe that Alzheimer's Disease is related to aluminum molecules linking with calcium molecules that bind together plaque deposits. This treatment is still considered somewhat controversial and it can have some dangerous side effects, so discuss it thoroughly with your doctor BEFORE deciding on treatment.
Food allergies are a common trigger for many migraine headaches. Ask your doctor to test you for allergies because you may be causing your headache problem without even being aware of it.
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is a condition that can be frustrating and maddening for those whom it affects. It has been associated with over-exposure to loud noise, as a side effect from certain medications including aspirin, thyroid disorders, high blood pressure, or a temporary result from a cold, sinus or ear infection or even from excessive ear-wax buildup. Ginko biloba, an herb touted for its properties thought to aid improvement of memory, has been found by numerous studies conducted in Europe, to help relieve tinnitis, and it is one of the most often used approaches in Germany. Experts feel it's effectiveness comes from the herb's ability to improve cirulation in the inner ear, allowing healing of the inner ear to take place.
Alkaloids in foods like tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers, and tobacco, may inhibit normal cartilage repair in joints or promote the inflammatory degeneration of the joint. This theory was tested by Dr. Norman Childers with 5,000 arthritis patients agreeing to avoid eating these nightshade-family vegetables. Over 70% reported relief from aches and pains - something to keep in mind if you consume large amounts of these items.
The major step in taking control of gout revolves around diet - limiting the intake of the foods listed above, but more importantly, incorporating foods proven to protect the body from the over-production of uric acid. These include:
CELERY - great for renewing joints, bones, arteries, connective tissue, as well as clearing digestive fermentation, a major factor that causes dampness and acidic blood.
TOMATO - helpful in alkalizing the blood and treating the acid blood condition of gout.
CHERRIES - whether in juice or fruit form, studies have found these to be incredibly effective as a preventative remedy as well as a powerful treatment for pain and inflammation. These include red, black, and sweet yellow cherries. Drinking just 16 ounces daily of cherry juice or celery juice can dramatically lower the incidence of gout attacks.
BANANAS, STRAWBERRIES, KALE, CABBAGE, PARSLEY AND LEAFY GREEN VEGETABLES - are all strong allies against the formation of uric acid.
Lutein is a chemical found in green vegetables and it is excellent for combatting cataracts & macular degeneration. It is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that can harm the eye. Lutein can also provide protection against sun damage to our eyes. Doses range from 5 to 30 mg a day
Cold and cough remedies rely on several basic ingredients, including eucalyptus, thyme, elecampane, mullein and an odd sounding ingredient called horehound. Although it can be bitter to the taste, it is found in hundreds of broncial medications throughout the world. Its effectiveness comes from evidence that suggests that it influences the area in the brain that control respiration. The result? You ingest a remedy with horehound and your cough and chest congestion gets a temporary reprieve. Keep your eyes open for its chemically similar cousin, hyssop, which works in a similar fashion but is less bitter to the tastebuds.
Food poisoning, whether it's contracted through undercooked or improperly handled food, can make someone think death might be better than suffering through the nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain that comes with this illness. Here are some steps to help deal with this miserable plight.
*Expel the microorganisms by taking 3 g (about 6 capsules) of activated charcoal (available at health food stores) every 15 minutes for 1 hour. The ingredients of the charcoal bind to the trouble-causing microorganisms so they can be quickly eliminated, thus shortening the length and severity of your attack.
Bloodroot pastes and salves have been used successfully to treat warts. This herb works because it is an *escharotic*, which means it has a scab-producing substance, working much like wart medications containing salicylic acid. You can make a paste by mixing about 5 drops of bloodroot extract and a sprinkle of flour. Apply to skin BUT make sure to do a sensitivity test as bloodroot can cause skin burns to some people. Once you've determined your tolerance, apply the paste for a day or so, then remove it and wait for the scab to form and drop off. Repeat process until skin tag is gone. AVOID using on children.
Suffering from moderdate depression? Hyla Cass, M.D., psychiatrist & author of *St. John's Wort: Nature's Blues Buster,* recommends starting with 300 mg of St. John's wort and increasing your dose by 300 mg every few days until you reach the full dose of 900 mg daily divided into 3 doses (300 mg) with each meal. Most people notice improvement within 7 to 10 days, first in improved sleep, followed by improvements in appetite, energy levels, and physical well-being, but in some people results can take up to 6 weeks.* This herb can cause increased sensitivity to sunlight AND can interact unfavorably with serotonin reuptake drugs (SSRIs), such as Prozac - so check with your doctor if you're currently taking prescriptions drugs.
Edema, the abnormal accumulation of fluid beneath the tissues, can be caused by a number of conditions. These include congestive heart failure, chronic venous insufficiency or minor trauma to a body part. It is essential that you discuss this with your doctor, especially if you are currently taking medications. There are a number of natural ways to cope with edema, which can be taken advantage of ONLY after these more serious conditions are ruled out. So, check this out with your doctor and then you can proceed with safe, natural steps. In the meantime, elevate your legs whenever you sit down and definitely cut down on your salt intake as this causes you to retain extra water.
Some people have had some success using honeybee venom, which apparently acts as an anti-inflammatory and immune system stimulant, to treat Multiple Scelerosis. It may also help ease fatigue, cramping and weakness. Candida infection can also add to fatigue, so getting the bowel flora back in balance by taking Bio-Bifidus and acidophilus may help. Also important is Coenzyme Q 10 (90 mg daily) to help circulation & immune system. Gamma-linolenic acids (GLA) such as flaxseed, primrose or omega-3 essential fatty acids (as directed on label 3 times a day with meals) - are extremely helpful in helping to control symptoms. Many MS patients are deficient in GLA.
A sore throat usually results when the body is attempting to eliminate accumulated toxins, especially from the lymph system and the intestinal tract. Dairy products & sugar consumption are a common dietary causes for sore throats in kids. At the first sign of a sore throat, back off dairy products and sugar-rich foods, which can promote multiplication of bacteria.
Increased salt intake may be beneficial to those with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome who also have low blood pressure. Consult a nutritionally oriented doctor to determine what amount may benefit you.
When you're feeling downcast and depressed, one of the last things most of us feel like doing is getting ourselves UP and MOVING - but that is exactly what San Jose State University psychology professor Keith Johnsgard, Ph.D., feels can truly benefit depressed people. He says, "An hour of exercise seven days a week is my universal prescription for people who are depressed."
If you are prone to heartburn there are some things you should avoid, since they are known triggers for this condition. They include citrus fruits, garlic, chocolate, milk, carbonated beverages, tea, coffee, and alcohol. Tomato-based foods, as well as greasy, spicy foods are also part of the No-no's for heartburn sufferers.
The studies continue to support the fact that one drink a day can actually cut the risk of heart disease in HALF. It appears the alcohol protects the heart by boosting levels of high-density lipoproteins, or HDL, and other substances that can help prevent blood clots that lead to heart attacks. BUT keep in mind - that's ONE drink a day!
Some recommended supplements include Coenzyme Q 10, (90 mg daily for improved circulation and tissue oxygenation - plus strengthens the immune system) Sulfur or Garlic, (500 mg 2 or 3 times a day to protect against toxic substances) and choline and insitol (as directed on label) to stimulate central nervous system and aid in protecting the myelin sheaths from damage.)
If pet hair and dander get your eyes to watering and your nose to sneezing and snifling, try taking the herb Stinging Nettles. This herb is wonderful for most all allergies including hayfever. Take two capsules in the AM (when allergies aren't really a major problem) but then switch to two capsules threes times a day when your allergy problems begin surfacing with regularity. Also, take the supplement Quercitin (500 to 2,000 mg) and vitamin C (1,500 to 2,000 mg) daily. These work as anti-inflammatories.
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) helps enzymes accomplish jobs throughout the body, especially by increasing energy, as well as aiding in the production of L-dopa, which is turned into the neurotransmitter dopamine. Researchers are now taking a closer look at NADH to determine if it may be a possible treatment for Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Current therapeutic dosage ranges between 5 to 50 mg daily.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine seems to have a positive on Alzheimer patients, although it isn't understood exactly why. This vitamin-like supplement may mimic the effects of the naturally occurring brain chemical acetylcholine. This is valuable because many Alzheimer patients show lower-than-normal levels of this chemical in their brains. The usual dosage is 500 to 1,000 mg 3 times a day.
European women have long used the herb, Chasteberry, to improve their fertility. The common dose is 20 to 40 mg daily. It's power comes from the belief that it reduces excess levels of the hormone prolactin.
Researchers at King's College in London recently discovered that the MORE acetaminophen that people with asthma took, the MORE often they woke up at night with symptoms and the worse they reported their quality of life as being. Seems the acetaminophen may deplete an essential antioxidant in the lungs called glutathione, which can in turn trigger asthma attacks.
When you reach for dairy products head for low-fat products, especially low-fat milk, which is high in calcium. Whole milk and whole milk products like ice cream can be quite high in fat content - so stick to the low-fat dairy choices to get some of your calcium needs. Remember, calcium can help lower blood pressure, cut water retention and give you extra insurance against brittle bones as you age.
Aloe's healing properties work wonders for burns, constipation & wounds. Stabilized aloe gel can be applied to the minor burns, hemorrhoids, or skin irritations 3 to 5 times a day. For constipation, a single 50 to 200 mg capsule of aloe latex can be taken daily for a maximum of 10 days. The latex form of aloe should NOT be used by anyone with Crohn's Disease or appendicitis or by children or pregnant women.
Flavonoid-rich foods like cherries, blueberries, and blackberries are excellent choices for folks with arthritis. Also helpful are sulphur-rich foods like garlic, onions, Brussel sprouts, and cabbage. Studies have shown the sulfur content in fingernails of arthritis sufferers is lower than that in healthy controls. Normalizing the sulfur content can help ease some of the pain and swelling associated with arthritis.
Styes are bacterial infections within an oil gland on the edge of an eyelid and the small pimple-like eruption is actually inflamed eye tissue. The best thing to do for them is to apply hot compresses to the eye area for 10 minutes four to six times daily. This relieves discomfort and helps bring the stye to a head, which will allow it to drain. If you are getting styes frequently, this may mean you are deficient in Vitamin A, so supplement with between 25,000 and 50,000 IU daily (but do not exceed 10,000 IU if you are pregnant). Also, prepare raspberry leaf tea and use it as an eyewash. Its antibacterial properties help prevent styes. Its fine to use commerically prepared tea bags. Let the tea cool to room temperature. DO NOT attempt to squeeze the stye because this can cause the infection to spread into the bloodstream, which can then cause systemic illness. Seek medical attention if stye does not heal promptly.
It sounds like an oxymoron, but there is such a thing as good bacteria, and your body truly needs it to function properly. Every time you pop an antibiotic, much of your friendly flora (good bacteria) is destroyed in your intestinal tract. Women in particular are more prone to yeast infections after taking antibiotics due to the destruction of their good bacteria. The good bacteria creates an unfriendly environment for disease-causing bacteria - so rather than stay where it isn't welcomed it moves through your body and doesn't have a chance to multiply. Fermented foods like yogurt (with live bacteria) sauerkraut, dill pickles, cheese, and sourdough bread can help restore the good bacteria. Freeze-dried probiotic supplements (acidophilus)- available at health food stores - can also increase a healthier balance of flora.
Shiatsu is just another name for accupressure and its aim is to disperse stagnant chi (blocked energy). Gentle massage and fingertip pressure on the Yin Tan point (right between the eyes about even with the eyebrows) is an initial treatment to relieve symptoms of migraine.
Capsaicin, a chemical component found in chili peppers, helps reduce the production of a brain chemical called Substance P. As a result, the reduction of these nerve cells of the neurotransmitter (Substance P) relays fewer pain sensations to the central nervous system, thus short-circuiting the perception of pain to the brain cells. Many arthritis creams have Capsaicin in them, but relief can also be achieved by eating peppers or drinking water or juice flavored by 10 to 20 drops of Tabasco sauce.
As more people suffer from lactose intolerance, the choice of milk substitutes becomes an important choice. It's important that when choosing a milk substitute, you look for those with added nutrients, including at least 30 percent Daily Value (DV) for calcium and 25 percent DV for vitamin D.
Aspirin can be helpful in relieving pain but when trying to combat sore throat pain avoid using aspirin-based chewing gum or aspirin gargles. Aspirin, when applied directly to mucous membranes can actually act as an irritant instead of a pain reliever.
An avocado may be just what the doctor ordered IF you're feeling a bit depressed. This little green wonder of the fruit family contains high levels of Vitamin B6 and folic acid, which stimulate the production of serotonin, a brain chemical that usually runs LOW in depressed folks. Slice it on a salad or sandwich or whip it into some tasty guacamole!
Some of the supplements found to aid in decreasing the frequency of migraine attacks include Quercetin (500 mg a day), Evening Primrose Oil (2 g a day), Niacin (non-flush)(50 mg a day), Magnesium (500 mg a day), Vitamin B-2 (400 mg a day), and 5-HTP (which may help increase serotin levels - a major contributor to migraine problems - up to 400 mg a day). See additional tip for Herbs & Migraines.
Desiccated thyroid, also called thyroid extract, is sometimes used as an alternative to synthetic thyroid hormones (like Synthroid and thyroxine). This contains two biologically active hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine) unlike most other thyroid-hormone preparations. Some studies have shown it to be more effective as a result of the combination. Check with your doctor though to make sure this would be acceptable for your problem.
Styes are bacterial infections within an oil gland on the edge of an eyelid and the small pimple-like eruption is actually inflamed eye tissue. The best thing to do for them is to apply hot compresses to the eye area for 10 minutes four to six times daily. This relieves discomfort and helps bring the stye to a head, which will allow it to drain. If you are getting styes frequently, this may mean you are deficient in Vitamin A, so supplement with between 25,000 and 50,000 IU daily (but do not exceed 10,000 IU if you are pregnant). Also, prepare raspberry leaf tea and use it as an eyewash. Its antibacterial properties help prevent styes. It's fine to use commerically prepared tea bags. Let the tea cool to room temperature. DO NOT attempt to squeeze the stye because this can cause the infection to spread into the bloodstream, which can then cause systemic illness. Seek medical attention if stye does not heal promptly.
Several research tests have shown that people who suffer from eczema, an itchy, red skin rash, do not have the ability to process fatty acids. This causes a deficiency of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Supplementing the system with GLA, which can be found in Evening Primrose Oil, (EPO) Borage Oil & Black Currant Oil, or fish oil capsules, can improve the condition. Dosage used between 3,000 to 6,000 EPO per day, which provides about 270-540 mg of GLA.
Some tips regarding coping with MS are to AVOID exposure to heat, hot baths, showers, sunbathing, and over exercising - drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to avoid toxic buildup in muscles - avoid alcohol, barley, chocolate, coffee, dairy products, fried foods, meat, oats, wheat and processed foods - and have yourself tested for food allergies, which can contribute to the advancement of damage done by MS. You can help slow down progression of the disease by eliminating foods that irritate your system. Do try to eat only organically grown foods, especially raw sprouts, alfalfa, and foods that are rich in lactic acid like dill pickles and sauerkraut.
When gout pain strikes it frequently invades the toe, specifically the big toe - and the old nursery rhyme "this little piggy go to market" may be some of the best advice gout sufferers may get. That`s of course, IF they get themselves to the market and pile their carts high with the wide array of foods out there harboring healing properties to banish and prevent gout pain.
Gout, which is actually a form of crystal-induced arthritis brought on by high blood levels of uric acid, usually results from enjoying too many feasts fit for a king. Carrying around TOO many pounds on your body and the over-consumption of protein-purine rich foods, such as liver, turkey, chicken and organ meats, sardines, and anchovies - all key contributors associated with these painful attacks that zero in on knees, ankles, wrists, feet and hands. Tipping back alcoholic beverages also add fuel to the searing pain of gout attacks.
Fish oil supplements and cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel & herring, have been found to be very beneficial to those suffering from psoriasis. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties found in the omega-3 fatty acids.
If you opt for supplements instead of eating fish, look for fish-oil supplements that supply both eiscosapentaenoic acid & docosahexaenoic acid - better known as EPA & DHA.
Take 4 or 6 capsules every day.
Vitamin A can also ease flareups, so try taking 25,000 international units ONCE a day BUT remember, too much vitamin A can be toxic so DO NOT exceed recommended dosage.
You've undoubtedly seen chondroitin coupled with the name glucosamine claiming to be helpful in osteoarthritis. But what is it actually supposed to do? There are no clear cut answers but beside being a mild anti-inflammatory, many scientists believe that chrondroitin provides cartilage with building blocks to repair itself. It may also block enzymes that break down cartilage in the joints, as well as increase the amount of hyaluronic acid - a fluid that helps keep the joints lubricated.
Milk thistle contains some of the most potent liver-protecting substances known. These properties help prevent free radical damage by acting as an antioxidant to protect the liver. They also stimulate the production of new liver cells and prevent the formation of damaging leukotrienes. Milk thistle protects the kidneys, and is good for adrenal disorders, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disorders, and all liver disorders, including jaundice and hepatitis.
Available in capsule or in liquid extract form at health food stores. It is also sometimes called silymarin or silybum.
Elevated cholesterol levels contribute to the risk of heart disease. Important steps you can take to reduce levels are to decrease saturated fat intake, increase dietary fiber, DON'T be a couch potato, and take GUGGUL EXTRACT. This herb reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels by promoting the liver's uptake of LDL (bad) cholesterol from the blood, and it appears to stimulate thyroid function. Choose ONLY standardized supplements which contain the main active ingredient: guggulsterones. Follow dosage directions on container.
Crazy as it sounds, constipation can be a frequent underlying cause of sore throats. When constipated, toxins remain in the large intestine, where they are reabsorbed by the lymph system, which then can become clogged with waste and by-products of immune cell activity. The result? Tonsils, pharynx, and larynx become swollen and sore. So, if constipation and sore throats are a problem, eat more well-cooked soft whole grains and vegetables. Add lemon to your water to also help cleanse your liver.
Barley is one of the wholegrains that most people enjoy, plus it's quick and easy to prepare. My favorite way is to add some to soup and boil until barley is fluffy - about 20 minutes. The wonderful thing about barley is it is VERY high in B-1, one of nature's tranquilizers. It helps relieve anxiety, mood, and can ease down tenseness. It's also a great source of fiber and complex carbohydrates, which translates into a nice sustained energy source for your body. Barley also raises serotonin levels in the brain and since serotonin is vital to good moods - barley should make it into your meal plans as often as possible.
A few remedies thought to help laryngitis include taking the homeopathic remedy Belladonna (30C or 30X strength)for two days. (Follow dosage directions on bottle.) This remedy is available at most health food stores. Another home remedy is to put lemon juice and honey in a tablespoon with a pinch of cayenne pepper. This is said to help coat your larynx, thus relieving the laryngitis. You may do this as many times as you feel is necessary for relief. The final treatment is to try steam inhalation, breathing the mist from steaming water in a bowl.I usually add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil and drape a towel over my head to get maximum benefit. I also gargle with apple cider vinegar and water for any throat problems.
If you have fibromyalgia, it's very likely you also suffer from candida infection - an imbalance of the good and bad bacteria in your body. You can increase the friendly bacteria by taking acidophilus. There are numerous brands to chose from but generally the refrigerated, nondairy types are best for fibromyalgia patients to use to replenish the healthy bacteria destroyed by candida. Recommended doses vary according to brand, so take as directed on label.
Evening Oil of Primrose (EPO)has no reported problems with adverse interactions with any medications at this time. It is advised, however, to make sure you take magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, niacin, and vitamin B to insure the full benefits of the supplement. IEPO has been used to treat diabetes, eczema, Rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol withdrawal, fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, atherosclerosis, MS, irritable bowel syndrome, Raynaud's disease, and attention deficit disorder.
Researchers generally recommend using between 3,000 to 6,000 mg of EPO daily.
Bioflavonoids can be very helpful in relieving allergy symptoms and a good way to get them into your system is through certain citrus fruits. Mince the peels and white inner rinds of grapefruits and lemons (get organic if possible - if not, soak in water and a few drops of dish soap and scrub with a small brush). Add minced rinds and peels to 1 cup of water and simmer in a covered pot for about 10 minutes. Sweeten with honey if desired and take 1 teaspoon of the mixture three times a day. This gets a high concentration of bioflavonoids into you in a pleasant, natural way.
Slippery elm is very soothing for a scratchy sore throat. It can be purchased in capsule form, then opened to access powder. Mix 1 tablespoon of slippery elm powder with one cup of boiling water and one half cup of honey. Take one teaspoon of this mixture (hot or cold) every three to four hours.
Chamomile & aloe are both powerful anti-inflammatories, so these are excellent choices for sufferers of psoriasis or basically any skin irritation.
You can make your own chamomile compress by adding one heaping teaspoon of chamomile flowers (these are sold at most health food stores) to one cup of boiled water. Steep for 10 minutes, strain out herb and then soak a clean cloth in the liquid. Apply cloth to the affected areas.
As for aloe, many creams or gels are now available over-the-counter, so just follow directions on tube. Swedish researchers found that 83 percent of people who used aloe cream reported significant relief.
For an outstanding tea extraordinarily high in Vitamin C - wash the skins of the citrus fruits with a mild dish soap and squeeze the juice from two halved oranges, one half of the grapefruit and a halved lemon into two cups of water in a pan. Add the squeezed-out rinds and bring the mixture to a boil, allowing it to boil for 5 minutes. Simmer for one hour. Remove rinds and pour yourself a steaming cup of citrus tea guaranteed to soothe your throat and give your body a much needed dose of Vitamin C to help fight an invading cold or flu virus. A teaspoon of rose hips, a slice of ginger or honey can add more zing, and if hot tea doesn't send you, this can be chilled. Store any leftovers in the fridge and heat up when needed.
The supplement Carnitine is a necessary element required for the energy production in our mitochondria (powerhouses of our cells.) Studies have discovered that many Chronic Fatigue patients show a deficiency of Carnitine. Doses of one gram of Carnitine taken 3 times daily have led to improvement in CFS symptoms.
Protein-rich foods, especially meats & dairy, can often aggravate psoriasis - so try cutting back on these items and instead switch to a low-protein diet that includes grains, legumes,fruits & veggies. Food rich in fiber helps rid your intestines of psoriasis-triggering chemicals.
Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. The itching and pain from the eruptions can be intense. A few herbal remedies include lemon balm or calendula.
Dab lesions with an solution of 50 percent tincture & 50 percent boiled, then cooled, water. Make tincture by putting chopped herb into container with a lid, and cover with vodka. Ratio of herb to liquid is 1 part herb to 5 parts vodka (preferably 100 proof). Leave in a warm place for 2 week, shaking twice daily. Strain through cheesecloth, squeezing well. Store in well-sealed, dark glass bottle. Repeat as often as needed. The anti-inflammatory action of these herbs can provide a great deal of relief.
Evening Oil of Primrose has no reported problems with adverse interactions with any medications at this time. It is advised, however, to make sure you take magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, niacin, and vitamin B to insure the full benefits of the supplement. Primrose oil has been used to treat diabetes, eczema, Rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol withdrawal, fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, atherosclerosis, MS, irritable bowel syndrome, Raynaud's disease, and attention deficit disorder. Researchers generally recommend using between 3,000 to 6,000 mg of Evening Oil of Primrose daily.
Eye health can be greatly improved by adding bilberry to your diet. A standard dose of bilberry is 120 to 240 mg twice a day, and make sure it contains at least 25 percent anthocyanosides, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Bilberry has been used to combat night blindness, cataracts & macular degeneration.
Music has been found to be an effective technique in relaxing folks by reducing heart rate and it actually can help reduce pain levels. To learn more check out my Newsletter Archive Issue 15: Is Music Good Medicine
The *Old Farmer`s Almanac of Traditional Home Remedies* offers a number of suggestions. Some age old favorites are to drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in it for relief, or to prevent it, drink a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon juice added, with your meal. Or, drink a pint of cold water slowly...or eat 4 or 5 oysters...or, chew 5 or 6 pepper corns a little, then swallow them...or, chew some parsley and swallow your spittle! (Remember this is from the Farmer`s Almanac!)
Glucosamine sulfate is a naturally occurring substance found in high concentrations in joint structures, but as we age we lose the ability to produce sufficient levels. Cartilage then loses its ability to hold water and act as a shock absorber. Glucosamine improves symptoms, including pain, and it actually helps the body REPAIR damaged joints by stimulating the manufacture of substances necessary for joint repair. It isn't an anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving drug and noticeable results can take up to 8 weeks. It will produce better, safer results than NSAIDs. The therapeutic margin of safety, is 10 to 30 times more favorable for glucosamine than for commonly used NSAIDs. If stomach upset occurs just take the supplement with meals. Recommended dosage is 1500 mg daily.
Zinc lozenges are also superior in helping to combat the burning sensation of a sore throat. A wide variety of these are available at most local drug stores, health food stores or online Health Product web sites. Zinc lozenges are safe for adults and children over the age of 6. The usual dosage is one 15 mg lozenge every two hours for the first two days - then reduce the dosage to a total of 80 mg or less. Some people do experience some stomach upset, but zinc lozenges are considered a potent immunostimulant that nourishes the cells.
Cold sores appear around the lip area when there is a lot of heat in the body, according to Eastern medicine practices. To alleviate a cold sore, using natural beeswax on the cold sore for a week will help the cold sore disappear.
The beeswax helps draw the heat from the sore which also alleviates the red color. Usually, you will see the bright red color disappear within a day of using the beeswax. It can be applied numerous times throughout the day and before bedtime. Beeswax can be found at any natural food store.
Cover ups which work well are Clinique and Burts Bees Wax.
One of the most bothersome and painful side effects of shingles comes from nerve pain. To desensitize nerve endings, crush 2 aspirins, mix them with 2 tbsp. rubbing alcohol, and apply paste to lesions three times a day.
5-HTP, (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a supplement that has been quite successful in treating depression, migraine headaches, obesity, fibromyalgia, insomnia and anxiety. Therapeutic doses range between 100 to 200 mg 3 times a day, but once appreciable results occur, you can usually cut the dose back and still maintain the good results you've achieved. Since this supplement raises serotonin levels, DO NOT mix with any prescription antidepressants unless given the green light by your doctor. Also, DO NOT mix with the Parkinson's disease drug Carbidopa, as this could put you at risk of developing the tissue disease scleroderma.
Fibromyalgia sufferers can greatly benefit from taking Proteolytic Enzymes, such as Infla-Zyme Forte or Wobenzym N, to help ease painful inflammation of muscles. These enzymes also help with the absorption of foods, especially protein, which is vital for tissue repair. Take as directed on label, 6 times daily, with meals, between meals, and at bedtime.
Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is as complicated as treating it BUT here are a few basic guidelines to help distinguish this condition. You may indeed have CFS if you suffer from persistent fatigue that does NOT resolve itself with bed rest OR if the fatigue is severe enough to reduce average daily activity by at least 50 percent for at least 6 months. Also, the presence of other chronic clinical conditions, including psychiatric conditions, should be ruled out.
NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) helps make ATP, the energy source the body runs on. Several double-blind studies have reported that NADH may be extremely helpful for Chronic Fatigue sufferers. This recommendation comes after almost one-third of people with CFS in specific NADH research studies showed evidence of improvement. Doses from 2.5 to 10 mg per day may help replenish the body's depleted supply of NADH. This supplement is readily available at most health food stores.
If lesions from psoriasis are causing you discomfort, try dabbing them with licorice root tincture or some form of licorice extract. Licorice root is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, which can offer relief safely and naturally. Apply liquid directly to the skin or dab with a cotton ball or clean cloth.
Studies have shown that certain lifestyle choices affect bone health, so here's what the experts feel you should know.
*Quit smoking. Women who smoke typically have 15 to 30 percent LESS bone mass.
*Cut Out Colas. Some studies have shown a slight link between cola soft drinks and osteoporosis. Christiane Northrup, M.D., founder of the Women to Women Health Center in Yarmouth, Maine, and past president of the American Holistic Medical Association, urges women to avoid colas.
*Take Care With Caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means extra trips to the restroom and more of a loss of your body's supply of calcium. You can reduce your risk of losing this calcium just by making sure you take extra calcium in supplement form.
No matter how soft or cushy toilet paper claims to be, the dry fibers can irritate delicate rectal tissues. If you already have an inflammation problem from hemorrhoids, the friction of the tissue will make matters worse. To protect this delicate body area, it's best to use moistened toilet paper and PAT the area, don't wipe vigorously.
Supplements given some credence for helping Manic Depression (Bipolar Disease) include Fish Oil (typical dose is 3 to 9 g daily) and lecithin (also possibly helpful for Alzheimer's). The typical dosage for psychological and neurological conditions have been as high as 5 to 10 mg taken three times a day. The supplement SAMe has been mentioned regarding Bipolar Disease, as has Oil of Primrose, but there has been concern that these may actually trigger manic episodes, so until more testing is done, I would avoid these.
The supplement 5-hydroxtryptophan (5-HTP) helps raise serotonin levels. A number of short-term tests and double-blind studies have suggested that 5-HTP may be as effective as standard anti-depressant drugs for not only treating depression, but also insomnia and anxiety disorders and for losing weight. It has also been found to be helpful in reducing the frequency & severity of migraines and the symptoms of fibromyalgia. A typical dosage is 100 to 200 mg 3 times a day. DO NOT mix 5-HTP with prescription antidepressants except with the okay from your doctor. Also, DO NOT mix with Carbidopa, as this may increase your risk of developing scleroderma.
If you take L-lysine to help ease Shingles symptoms, it's best to avoid certain foods that are rich in the amino acid arginine - like chocolate, cereal grains, nuts and seeds. By doing this, the L-lysine can work better in your system.
To combat acne, supplement and herb-wise, some people have benefited by taking 2.5 grams of pantothenic acid 4 times a day, and also by taking 30 mg of zinc 2 or 3 times daily for a few months, then cutting down to 30 mg daily. (The results from zinc may take up to 3 months.) The herb Burdock helps rid the system of toxins, and it can be taken as a capsule, tablet (1 or 2 grams 3 times a day) or in liquid extract form (2 to 4 ml daily).
SAMe (s-adenosylmethonine) is a supplement that is sythesized from the amino acid methionine. It is believed to increase the effects of neurotransmitters, including the ever-so-important brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine. SAMe has been found to be FASTER-ACTING than tricyclic antidepressants (such as Elavil, Tofranil & Pamelor). Recommended dosage is 1,600 mg of SAMe daily and is even safe for pregnant women.
*Also helpful for Oseoarthritis, Fibromyalgia & Migraines BUT researchers found treating people with manic-depression have reported that SAMe could cause them to switch from depression to a manic episode.
Itching can be horrific when one is battling the herpes zoster virus, also known as shingles. Some helpful remedies include frequent applications of vitamin E oil, gel from the aloe vera plant, or fresh leeks chopped in a food processor. Dusting your clothing where it rubs against your skin with colloidal oatmeal powder can also help reduce pain.
With the onset of Alzheimer's, a patient can become increasingly more agitated, depressed and anxious. The use of acupressure and acupuncture can help promote relaxation and can help improve the general health of the patients, allowing them to be more alert and aware. Consult a qualified practioner to learn more about these treatments to help slow the progression of the disease and to help ease some of the symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, dwindling memory and cognitive process.
Low adrenal function may contribute to symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Licorice root is known to stimulate adrenal glands and to break down cortisol (a stress hormone which can contribute to inflammation.) Participants in one study utilizing licorice root showed significant improvement by taking 2.5 grams daily. Allow 6 to 8 weeks for noticeable improvements. NOTE: Licorice can cause water retention and increased blood pressure for some people.
According to the "The Natural Health Bible", a book I consult frequently, there are three natural treatments that have earned the respect of many researchers when it comes to Alzheimer's Disease. They include Gingko Biloba, Phosphatidylserine, and Acetyl-L-Caritine. Ginko is the most widely prescribed herb in Germany for dementia and normal age-related memory loss. Standard dosage is 40 to 80 mg three times a day. Make sure to use only standardized Gingko that contains 24 percent ginko-flavone glycosides. DO NOT combine with blood thinning drugs like Coumadin (warfarin), heparin, Trental (pentoxifylline) and actually even aspirin, since this herb acts as a blood thinner by itself.
Mullein is a common roadside weed, but it possesses remarkable properties for treating chest congestion and dry, bronchial coughs. It is available in capsule form, liquid tincture form or in oil form. The oil form is generally used for treating ear infections, by mixing a few drops of the oil with olive oil. But for chest congestion & coughs, the best treatment is to mix a dropperful of mullein tincture with warm water and drink mixture every 4 hours.
The next time you pick up your salt shaker, keep in mind that for every 500 milligrams of salt you consume, you LOSE 10 milligrams of calcium and calcium is vital to our bones (warding-off osteoporosis). Many health experts recommend limiting salt intake to 2,400 milligrams a day.
The best known herbal remedy is Feverfew, which has been around since ancient times. It is thought to be an excellent herb to prevent or lessen the frequency of migraine attacks, but only if taken religiously.
Recommended dosage is between 80 to 100 mg of powdered whole feverfew daily. Make sure to buy ONLY standardized products. Combining the recommended supplements (refer to other tip listed) with the feverfew offers a more rounded approach to defeating migraines. Also check tip on Common Triggers for Migraines.
Most adults should consume 1,500 mg of calcium a day, according to the National Institutes of Health. You can get it from supplements BUT it is really best to get calcium from food choices whenever you can. Look for calcium-fortified breads, cereals, and fruit juices - AND try to pair these up with food sources high in Vitamin D, which helps calcium absorb better into the body.
Vitamin D can be found in fortified low-fat or nonfat dairy items and fatty saltwater fish like sea bass, halibut, tuna, herring, and swordfish.
Also, just 15 minutes a day in the sun gives your body a healthy dose of Vitamin D - but don't forget your sunscreen!
Doctors typically prescribe Allopurinol, Probenecid, Indomethacin or Colchicine, and although these medications may provide some short-term relief, the long-term relief can ONLY come from some lifestyle changes.
These include dropping some of the extra weight SLOWLY, because rapid weight loss can actually increase uric acid levels as a result of restricting calories. Nutritional supplements of Folic Acid (up to 80 mg a day) and the bioflavonoid Quercetin, (150 to 250 mg 3 times a day between meals) have shown to be helpful. The herb Devil`s Claw (750 mg of the standardized to contain 3 percent iridoid glycosides) has also been very effective as a non-toxic pain reliever.
Stinging Nettle has been widely used in Germany for treating allergies, hayfever and prostate problems. A typical dosage is two to three 300 mg capsules of freeze-dried nettle. There has been some concern that nettle can interfere with diabetes or high blood pressure medications, but no actual cases have been proven. Other helpful supplements for allergies include quercetin and other flavonoids. Some studies suggest that quercetin actually works like the drug Intal, which halts the release of allergenic substances into the body. The recommended dosage for quercetin is 200 to 400 mg three times a day - and it's better absorbed if taken on an empty stomach.
Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, and fiber, as well as being excellent sources of B vitamins, protein & zinc. They're low in saturated fats, calories and they have NO cholesterol. Several studies have shown flaxseed oil to be helpful in reducing the pain, inflammation & swelling of arthritis, in addition to lowering blood cholesterol & triglyceride levels, plus helping to reduce the hardening effects of cholesterol on cell membranes. Other uses include treating constipation, benign prostatic hyperplasia, ulcerative colitis, and vaginitis. One tablespoon a day, as a supplement or on salads or veggies, can help ensure your supply of essential fatty acids. It's also great for helping dry skin from the inside out!
Studies have found that quercetin, a bioflavonoid, inhibits the release of histamine, the inflammatory compound primarily responsible for the symptoms of hay fever. To better prepare yourself against the misery that hay fever brings, take concentrated quercetin in capsules, 200 to 500 mg twice a day between meals. For best results, boost your intake of quercetin about 1 month before the start of allergy season.
If you have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue syndrome it is best to avoid caffeine, decaffeinated coffee, alcohol, refined sugar, white flour, salt, and fried, preserved fat foods. INSTEAD opt for whole grains, beans, brown rice, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods help repair the body.
Osteoporosis has two basic types. Type 1 is associated with hormonal changes, particularly the loss of estrogen, while Type 2 is associated with dietary deficiencies -like lack of calcium & vitamin D. There are a number of supplements that can help meet some of the body's extra demands, such as bone building formulas. It's important that you don't exceed more than 3 mg of Boron daily, but do make sure you get at least 1,500 to 2,000 mg daily of calcium. Other vital supplements include Glucosamine & Chondroitin, silica and magnesium. L-Lysine & L-arginine (amino acids) help a lot in calcium absorption and connnective tissue strength. Don't take these with milk and take 50 mg vitamin B-6 & 100 mg vitamin C for better absoption.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can wreak havoc with the lives of the sufferer and everyone else in their life.The pain and unpredictability of this affliction has baffled the medical world for some time, but it has been ascertained that one of the main culprits in this condition is the presence of prostaglandins, a body chemical also responsible for causing menstrual cramps. Cramping has long been a problem amongst the women in my family, but thanks to our discovering Oil of Primrose, our out-of-commission-days have decreased sharply. British researchers have found that Evening Primrose Oil, a natural plant extract loaded with gamma linolenic acid, provides an essential fatty acid that acts to sooth and smooth the intestinal muscles, thus easing down the spasming pain associated with cramps and the symptoms of IBS.
Recommended dosage is 500 milligram capsules of Evening Primrose Oil daily. This works great to combat other PMS symptoms for me also, especially PMS headaches.
Dry skin can be painful and frustrating condition but it is important to know that the problem can actually be caused from within your body. It's very important that your body get the necessary oils it needs from supplements. Make sure to take at least 1000 mg of flaxseed oil a day.
Once you've made sure you are getting essential oils into your system through supplementation, you can also benefit from using your choice of moisturizers, including emu oil, vitamin E oil, or jojoba oil, or aloe vera. Avoid using anything with mineral oil because it is a petrochemical that can actually dry the skin, block pores, prevent it from breathing and eliminating waste. Whichever you choose, try coating your hands or feet with the oil and covering with cotton gloves or socks before going to bed. This allows the oil to soak in throughout the night to soften and mositurize the skin.
Garlic can help boost your immune system's antiviral & antibacterial activity, which may be worn down from fighting the Chronic Fatigue syndrome. Eating 2 cloves of garlic a day or taking 4 to 6 odorless garlic capsules daily can boost immune function gradually & naturally.
Suma, also known as Brazilian ginseng, has been used by South American natives to promote robust health and to treat many illnesses. It is considered to be an adaptogen herb, which means it helps one to adapt and to fight stress and infection. It is recommended as a general strengthener of the body, in addition to being helpful in treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. A typical dosage is 500 mg twice a day.
Each year, chest pain causes over 6 million Americans to pay a hasty visit to emergency rooms across the country. The decision to go to an ER can sometimes be a stressful one to make, especially if someone can't decide if the problem is just heartburn or if it truly is the signs of an actual heart attack.
The decision to just chalk the problem up to digestive problems can be DEADLY, so keep in mind that although heartburn can produce severe painful symptoms that can mimic heart attack symptoms, an actual heart attack will frequently be accompanied by pain that radiates up into the jaw or out along an arm. Generally, heartburn erupts shortly after eating and will cause a burning sensation in your chest, and can be followed by horseness, a sore throat, or a foul acidic acid taste in the back of your mouth.
15 percent of ER patients do discover that their problem is just heartburn BUT this is one area you don't want to gamble with - so pop an aspirin and get to a doctor if you have the slightest doubt.
Herbs & supplements that are helpful for Osteoporosis inflammation include Boswellia, feverfew, and white willow. SAMe (S-adenosyl methionine)has been shown to increase the formation of healthy tissue and reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling - better than ibuprophen & naproxen. This was by using 400 mg taken 3 times a day.
Naicinamide (250 mg 4 times a day) has also been shown to help joint mobility, improved muscle strength and decreased fatigue. Also, D-phenylalanine, (250 mg 3 or 4 times a day) helps inhibit the enzyme that breaks down some of the body's natural pain killers.
Many people also find some relief by using cayenne creams as a muscle-type rub. This helps relieve pain by stimulating the release of sensory nerve neurotransmitters, which then interfere with pain messages being sent. This is a temporary remedy, but can help reduce pain a bit.
Studies has shown that kids and adults who suffer from recurrent ear infections frequently have food allergies. The occurrence of infection can be decreased by removing the offending food. Check with your doctor to rule out any food allergies that may be contributing to this painful problem
Malabsorption, a problem NOT being able to properly absorb nutrients, is common in people who suffer from fibromyalgia. Because of this, higher than normal doses of all supplemental nutrients are needed. To help get the optimum a supplement has to offer, whenever possible, it is best to use sublingual (dissolve under your tongue) type vitamins & supplements because these are more easily absorbed into your system.
Acne can be aggravated by what you eat, this according to Dr. Elson Hass, author of Staying Healthy with Nutrition. Many people are sensitive to sugars, wheat and chocolate - all substances that can cause more acid irritation to the body. They can cause more mucus and pus in the hair follicles, which then can clog up the pores. Internal yeast can also add to the problem - yeasts that can be found in cheeses, baked goods, and sugar.
If acne problems seem to increase after you've consumed these foods, drop them from your diet and add the healthier choices of foods high in beta-carotene like carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe and other colorful fruits and veggies.
Evening Oil of Primrose (EPO) has no reported problems with adverse interactions with any medications at this time. It is advised, however, to make sure you take magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, niacin, and vitamin B to insure the full benefits of the supplement. IEPO has been used to treat diabetes, eczema, Rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol withdrawal, fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, atherosclerosis, MS, irritable bowel syndrome, Raynaud's disease, and attention deficit disorder.
Researchers generally recommend using between 3,000 to 6,000 mg of EPO daily.
Food allergies can play a major role in ear infections, so anyone who suffers frequent ear infections should be tested. The most common allergenic foods include wheat, dairy, oranges, corn, peanut butter,sugar, fruit and fruit juices. Sugar contributes to a suppressed immune system and also, kids with parents who smoke are also more likely to develop ear infections. Also, many people who have chronic ear infections (especially children) have been found to have an imbalance in their intestinal flora but this can be corrected by taking acidophilus tablets or by eating yogurt that contains "friendly" bacteria. Echinacea, Vitamin C and zinc can help get you back on the road to recovery.
Many natural healers believe insomnia is a result of liver and gallbladder imbalance. The key times associated with this malady occur between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. - the time when these organs are being recharged with qi (life energy). If your liver or gallbladder are in a weakened state, they can't remain relaxed when being recharged. Avoid over-eating, food additives, preservatives and artificial food coloring, along with caffeine in soda, coffee, tea and chocolate. These substances all over-tax these organs.
According to natural health expert, Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, several medicinal herbs contain phytoestrogens that can help osteoporosis. These include Chinese angelica (dang gui), licorice and black cohosh. Dr. Pizzorno suggests taking 1 teaspoon each daily in tincture form.
At the first sign of flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, body aches and pains) take Oscillococcium. This homeopathic remedy contains very small doses of specific, diluted, flu-related active substances, which stimulate your natural defense mechanisms. It comes in three vials of sweet tasting pellets you dissolve under your tongue every 6 hours. There are NO known side effects or drug interaction risks associated with this product and it is deemed safe for children over the age of two. This remedy has been used for over 40 years in Europe with impressive results and is manufactured in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopia of the United States. Folks with heart disease, hypertension, glaucoma, thyroid or kidney disorders or asthma and those who cannot use antihistimines, however, should consult with their doctors before using.
Chances are you might break out a magazine when you head into the bathroom but did you know that elevating your feet while you're moving your bowels can make it easier on your body? Less stress on the rectal veins means less of a chance of developing or aggravating hemorrhoids.
The list of possible triggers for migraines is extensive, but here's some of the more common culprits in causing these miserable headaches: Alcohol, especially red wine, nitrates, monosodium glutamate, nitroglycerin, hormonal changes (pregnancy, PMS, menopause, birth control pills), barometric pressure changes in the weather, sun glare, caffeine, lack of sleep, physical exhaustion, aged cheeses, chocolate, citrus fruits, and cured meats. Pay attention to which of these might be contributing to your cycle of headaches and you may be able to eliminate the culprits!
At the first sign of a scratchy throat or sniffley nose I head to the store to pick up oranges, grapefruit, lemon and ginger root. For an outstanding tea extraordinarily high in Vitamin C - wash the skins of the citrus fruits with a mild dish soap and squeeze the juice from two halved oranges, one half of the grapefruit and a halved lemon into two cups of water in a pan. Add the squeezed-out rinds and bring the mixture to a boil, allowing it to boil for 5 minutes. Then simmer for one hour. Remove rinds and pour yourself a steaming cup of citrus tea guaranteed to soothe your throat and give your body a much needed dose of Vitamin C to help fight the invading virus.
I sometimes add a teaspoon of rose hips, a slice of ginger or honey to add more zing and if hot tea doesn't send you, this is just as tasty cold. Store any leftovers in the fridge and heat up when needed.
Lifestyle choices CAN affect your odds of developing osteoporosis. Here's a few known to contribute to this disease: diets deficient in calcium & vitamin D; high sodium intake - which interferes with calcium retention; diets deficient in protein; women who smoke, especially AFTER menopause, have a greater chance of spine & hip fractures than non-smokers; high caffeine consumption - drinking more than 2 cups of coffee a day adds the risk of reduced bone density and fractures in women; and level of exercise - too much or too little can put people at greater risk. Weight-bearing exercise is deemed to be the best choice.
Acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)has become a national malady for many. This burning backup into your esophagus can often times be eased a degree by avoiding some known GERD instigators. These include alcohol, chocolate, cigarettes, coffee, meat, milk, mints, tea, tomatoes, and sugar. Other parters in crime for this physical ailment include foods that are fried, fatty, spicy, sweet or salty. The best way to see what doesn't agree with your system is to eliminate these things for about a month and then slowly re-introduce them into your diet. It will be easier to ID your GERD culprits.
To help relieve pain following the outbreak of Shingles, take 1,200 to 1,600 IU of natural vitamin E daily - BUT for no more than two weeks under a doctor's care and ONLY if you do not have high blood pressure. Vitamin E is a wonderful anti-inflammatory but it can also thin the blood.
Other helpful supplements include the amino acid L-lysine. Take 500 mg one to three times a day BUT only for one week. This helps replenish the level of lysine in your body.
If you think you're getting extra water into your system by downing several cups of coffee or a few alcoholic drinks, think again. Caffeine and alcohol actually act as a diuretic and cause extra trips to the restroom, which in turn depletes your system of its desperately needed "water" source. Your intestinal track must have the proper amount of hydration present or problems like constipation can occur. If you have a problem with constipation make it a point to cut DOWN on your intake of caffeine and alcohol because both can make the stool dry and hard.
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