Read these 44 Women´s Health Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Alternative Health tips and hundreds of other topics.
Columbia University researchers recently found women who were trying to conceive were MORE likely to become pregnant when, unknown to them, strangers prayed for them daily. The study, conducted with 219 women, had half the women prayed for several times a day by prayer groups in Australia, Canada, and the U.S. No prayers were said for the other group. After 4 months, TWICE as many of the women prayed for became pregnant than those not prayed for. Coincidence?
Balancing female hormones is a delicate matter throughout a woman's life, particularly during perimenopause and menopause. Certain foods such as commercially raised beef, pork, and chicken contain high amounts of saturated fats, which can actually DECREASE a woman's ability to properly metabolize estrogen. This problem can also be compounded if a woman consumes excessive amounts of sugar. This occurs due to the sugar's impact on the liver, which in turn makes it difficult to metabolize estrogen properly.
Bananas are one of Mother Nature's tastiest and most helpful fruits, especially when it comes to mood! This is because just ONE banana contains over a quarter of the RDA of vitamin B6, and this nutrient is extremely helpful in preventing depression and irritability especially that associated with PMS. Bananas' high carbohydrate level also does incredible things to help raise levels of the mood-lifting brain chemical serotonin. Just one or two ripe bananas a day can work wonders.
Natural progesterone is a powerful ally in maintaining a healthy balance for women of all ages, especially during PMS, perimenopause, and menopause. But, which form is best - oral or cream? Natural health specialists nod in favor of the cream form because you need a much lower dose and more importantly your liver does NOT have to metabolize it. Synthetic progesterones like Provera & Progestins can cause side effects like fluid retention & irregular bleeding, BUT natural progesterone has NO side effects.
False unicorn root may sound like something that might be added to a witch's brew, but it has some amazing properties that help balance sex hormones. It's been used successfully for treatment of infertility, menstrual pain & irregularities and prostate disorders. It's also very effective in easing PMS symptoms, especially the "weepies" or the "cry-at-the drop-of-a-hat" syndrome that affects many women during PMS. Available at most health food stores.
5-HTP, (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a supplement that has been quite successful in treating depression, migraine headaches, obesity, fibromyalgia, insomnia and anxiety. Therapeutic doses range between 100 to 200 mg 3 times a day, but once appreciable results occur, you can usually cut the dose back and still maintain the good results you've achieved. Since this supplement raises serotonin levels, DO NOT mix with any prescription antidepressants unless given the green light by your doctor. Also, DO NOT mix with the Parkinson's disease drug Carbidopa, as this could put you at risk of developing the tissue disease scleroderma.
Fibroids, benign uterine tumors, have been found to be more common in women who eat significant amounts of red meats - and significantly fewer green vegetables. Excessively high estrogen levels seem to play a major role in the development of the tumors and some research suggests that meat may increase estrogen levels. Certain compounds in vegetables like asparagus, spinach, romaine, kale & other green vegetables can help offset some of the estrogens effects on the body because of the isoflavonoids in the veggies. To be on the safer side, try to eat no more than 3 ounces of red meat daily and boost your fruit & veggies up to 5 servings a day. Also, natural progesterone cream can help in your fight against this condition.
Lifestyle choices CAN affect your odds of developing osteoporosis. Here's a few known to contribute to this disease: diets deficient in calcium & vitamin D; high sodium intake - which interferes with calcium retention; diets deficient in protein; women who smoke, especially AFTER menopause, have a greater chance of spine & hip fractures than non-smokers; high caffeine consumption - drinking more than 2 cups of coffee a day adds the risk of reduced bone density and fractures in women; and level of exercise - too much or too little can put people at greater risk. Weight-bearing exercise is deemed to be the best choice.
Women should be taking between 1,000 mg to 1,500 mg of calcium aspartate, citrate or lactate daily to help improve bone health and help ward off the damaging effects of osteoporosis. BUT keep in mind that IF you are not engaging in some form of weight-bearing exercise such as lifting weights, jump roping, step aerobics, walking or biking - the calcium supplement CANNOT increase bone density alone. Try to do at least two 40 minutes sessions EACH week.
Red raspberry is one of Mother Nature's most valuable herbal gifts to women. It decreases menstrual bleeding, relaxes uterine & intestinal spasms, promotes healthy nails, bones, teeth & skin, as well as being helpful for morning sickness, diarrhea, hot flashes, canker sores and menstrual cramps. It can be taken in store-bought tea form or you can make your own tea by brewing two teaspoons of red raspberry leaves in a cup of water, allowing to steep for 10 minutes. Also available in capsule form.
There are a number of herbs helpful in calming anxiety and one of the best is Kava Kava. The Natural Health Bible recommends that the daily dosage should not exceed 300 mg of kavalactones (the name for the active principles of kava). Kava should NOT be mixed with alcohol, prescription anxiety drugs, sedatives or any other drugs that depress mental function. Other helpful herbs or supplements include skullcap, hops, lemon balm, chamomile, passionflower and 5-HTP. Extra selenium (200 mcg daily) and flaxseed oil (2 to 6 tablespoons daily) can also help relieve anxiety in some people. I usually take a calcium, magnesium and zinc tablet, plus a B-complex tablet, too. It's also important to phase caffeine out of your life.
*Be advised, however, Kava is currently being investigated for causing possible liver damage, if taken in large quantities.
If you are a women who has a problem with dark, coarse hair on the chin, you may have an excess of male hormone production. Saw Palmetto, an herb with anti-androgenic power, may be an answer for you. Take 160 mg of standardized Saw Palmetto in capsule form or in extract form. Make sure it is standardized to 85 to 95 percent fatty acids and sterols. Take this 2 times a day for about 2 to 3 months. This is a safe herb for women but should NOT be used by women attempting to become pregnant.
According to Prevention Magazine, the most effective herb for preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs) is cranberry. The sweetened, diluted juice contains fructose and condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins), which act as a sort of Teflon finish inside the urinary tract. This helps prevent infective organisms, like E.coli, from attaching to the surface cells. Each time urination occurs, the bacteria is swept from the tract before they have the opportunity to multiply and produce an infection.
Drinking as little as 3 ounces (only 1/3 of which is pure juice) of cranberry juice cocktail every day can prevent recurrent infection. If you've got a full-blown infection, up to 1 quart daily may be necessary to be effective - or one could take up to 6 cranberry capsules a day.
Once you've experienced a true hot flash, you are not overly eager to experience another. Doctors are quick to suggest hormone replacement therapy but with all the natural remedies available today, it makes more sense to let Mother Nature help you through these heated times caused by fluctuations (particularly sudden drops in estrogen levels.) Many women, myself included, have found relief from 100 mg of the Chinese herb dong quai or 200 mg of the European herb vitex, also know as chasteberry. Recommended dosage is 1 to 3 times daily.
Pre-eclampsia, a serious medical condition characterized by high blood pressure, swelling & the appearance of protein in the urine of pregnant women, can result in dire complications, including death & premature births. An impressive study conducted at London's St. Thomas Hospital, in which pregnant women at high risk of developing pre-eclampsia, focused on giving them 400 mg of natural vitamin E & 1,000 mg of vitamin C. The results associated with taking these higher levels of natural supplements reduced the risk of the condition by 76 percent. No health risks resulted by taking these higher doses.
Several studies report that 200-600 IU of Vitamin E per day, when taken for several months, reduces symptoms of Fibrocystic Breast Disease. It is also important to avoid caffeine, but keep in mind, the decrease in breast tenderness can take 6 months. Exercise & a lowfat diet have also been found to help this condition.
Some women who have acne problems have had good success using Saw Palmetto, usually associated with treating prostate problems, but because it inhibits the production of dihyrdrotestosterone (the irritating over-abundance of testosterone), it can have an effect on keeping the testosterone levels lower, which can have a direct affects on your acne problems. Try taking the standard dosage of 160 mg twice a day, and make sure it contains the standardized amount of fatty acids and sterols (85 to 95 percent). It may take a month or so to see an improvement.
Cystitis, a common urinary tract infection, is marked by increased frequency of urination and very uncomfortable pain or burning while urinating. Besides using cranberry to aid the problem, also try brewing up some parsley tea. Add 1 bunch of parsley (preferably organic) to 2 quarts of filtered water, bring the water to a boil in a covered pot, turn off heat, and let it steep until cool. Strain out the parsley and drink the tea during the next 3 hours. The parsley is a natural diuretic and will work to help flush out toxins and microorganisms in the bladder that cause the infection. Parsley is also available in capsule and tincture form at health food stores.
Vitamin A can offer welcomed relief to a woman suffering the unpleasant itching that accompanies a vaginal yeast infection. The recommended treatment is to use 25,000 IU gel capsules as a vaginal suppository, which will stimulate immune response in the vagina and soothe inflamed tissues. Place a capsule into the vagina once or twice daily and the capsules will dissolve naturally. If you are pregnant avoid the use of vitamin A suppositories.
The sweet-licorice-smelling herb anise possesses a number of impressive actions. It is excellent in aiding nursing mothers to produce more milk, but it is also very helpful for menopausal symptoms. Anise works very well in helping digestion woes and helps combat infection. Because it is highly effective in clearing mucus from air passages, it is excellent for treating respiratory infections, especially sinusitis. This is available at all health food stores.
Caffeine can provide a much needed jolt to get some of us moving in the morning, but that cup of coffee, cola or piece of chocolate you ingest has caffeine which can interfere with proper metabolism of estrogen. Caffeine also causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels that can cause extra problems in PMS symptoms, causing extra breast tenderness and more painful menstrual cramps. Most menstrual cramps are made worse by a hormonal imbalance, specifically the stimulatory effect of too much estrogen in relationship to progesterone. So, the proper metabolism of estrogen is very important in avoiding and lessening the severity of cramping.
PMS symptoms can vary month to month but whatever the specific symptoms are, they can make the monthly cycle something a woman dreads. There are a number of natural remedies available to take the edge off many of the most common symptoms such as the homeopathic remedy Lachesis, which can ease headaches, breast tenderness and ovarian pain. Sepia, also a homeopathic remedy, works well on lower back pain and menstrual irregularities. Aromatherapy oils, rose, bergamot and ylang-ylang, offer help in easing the moodiness PMS unleashes, while magnesium supplements and B-complex vitamins work wonders in balancing hormones. Natural progesterone is also a must. All the above are available at most health food stores or you can order then online.
Women's bodies undergo numerous changes during perimenopause and menopause. These changes can deplete a woman's level of good bacteria in her intestines, which can make her vulnerable to yeast infections. It's easy to overcome this threat simply by taking the nutritional supplements lactobacillus acidophilus and bifus, available at all health food stores. This good bacteria is also beneficial in helping in metabolism and utilization of estrogen.
The best way to take homeopathic remedies for PMS is to start by taking the remedy (using the 30x or 30C potency) best suited for your symptoms. (Specific remedies & symptoms are available detailed in Women's Health section of the AlternativeHealth-tips section).
Begin taking the remedy about 10 days before your next period is due and take it 3 times a day until the period starts. Take it in this fashion until an improvement is obtained, at which time you can discontinue use, unless symptoms begin again.
Dr. Christiane Northup, author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, feels for effectiveness, a transdermal cream should contain a minimum of 400 mg progesterone per ounce. The usual dose of standardized creams is one-quarter to one-half teaspoon on the skin one or two times a day. There is VIRTUALLY no danger of overdose, and many women use 400 mg, or the equivalent of an entire tube or jar, per week with no ill effects.
Dong Quai is helpful for menstrual cramps, PMS symptoms, and hot flashes. It may be more effective when used in combination type herbal formulas containing herbs known to benefit women, such as black cohosh, burdock, and red clover. Usual dosage is 10 to 40 drops of dong quai tincture 1 to 3 times daily, or 1 standard gelatin capsule 3 times daily.
If you suffer from minor but frequent headaches, you might want to check to see if your bra straps cut into your shoulders. Thin straps frequently can pinch shoulder nerves and trigger headaches. Full-busted women, particularly, should opt for bras with wide straps that distribute weight evenly.
Eat more foods with omega-3 fats (such as salmon and trout) to block release of series 2 prostaglandins, and add 1 to 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil, also a good source of omega-3s, to your diet. Flaxseed oil also comes in capsules. Your body uses the omega-3 fats to help produce series 1 prostaglandins, which help relax muscles and reduce inflammation. Using natural progesterone can also make a remarkable difference.
As women age, the chance of suffering from a broken hip becomes a frightening concern. So, it's valuable to know some important facts about spinach. Spinach, which is extremely high in vitamin A and K, helps your eyesight, BUT researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston found that a woman's chance of breaking a hip could be cut by almost a third with a daily intake of 109 micrograms of vitamin K. In eating terms, that breaks down to a mere one cup of cooked spinach per day.
European women have long used the herb, Chasteberry, to improve their fertility. The common dose is 20 to 40 mg daily once a day. Its power comes from the belief that it reduces excess levels of the hormone prolactin. It is often sold as a liquid extract that can be taken at a dosage of 40 drops each morning.
A diet rich in soy can help decrease the severity of the dreaded hot flashes waiting for those approaching or experiencing menopause. Soy supplements, now available in tablet or powder form, make increasing soy consumption easier, especially if you're not nuts about tofu. Recommended amounts of soy protein average around 50 g per day. Soybeans and soy products contain phytoestrogens and isoflavones, which have been shown to be highly effective in decreasing menopausal symptoms because of its ability to modulate estrogen levels. Significant phytoestrogens have also been found in cashews, peanuts, oats, corn, wheat, apples and almonds. The genisten in soy products has also shown promise in some testing to decrease cancer risks.
Avoid douching but instead, wash your vaginal area daily with warm water and a hypoallergenic, unscented soap like Dove that will not irritate the region. Make sure to completely towel dry and to wipe thoroughly after using the bathroom. Also, wear cotton underwear rather than silk or synthetic material. Cotton allows your skin to breathe better, which will also prevent odor from accumulating.
Increasing the amount of breast milk available for your baby can be a stressful decision for cautious mothers, mainly because we know whatever goes into the mom's system goes into the baby's. There are a number of herbs that are considered to be galactagogues, which translated into real people talk means they encourage the flow of breast milk. Those considered the safest and most effective include the addition of 3 to 4 drops of fennel extract to a liquid, which you then drink 3-4 times daily; or an infusion of 2 teaspoons of dill seeds to 8 ounces of water, steeped for 10-15 minutes - drink 4 ounces at a time 2-3 times a day. These both also act as an antispasmodic to help calm colic pain. However, just to put your mind at ease, always consult your health care practitioner before using any herbal preparation if you are breast-feeding.
Maintaining the proper amount of progesterone in your system can deliver numerous benefits including protection against fibrocystic breast disease, uterine and breast cancer, plus it is also a natural diuretic. Progesterone also acts as a natural anti-depressant, helps thyroid hormone action, normalizes blood clotting and blood sugar levels, helps to restore sex drive, promotes sleep, restores normal vascular tone, helps reduce panic and anxiety attacks, stimulates osteoblast for bone building, and reduces estrogen dominance symptoms, including sore, tender breasts. Natural progesterone cream can insure a healthier level of progesterone in a woman's system.
If you are taking an antibiotic you may end up getting a yeast infection since along with the "bad" bacteria an antibiotic eliminates, it also attacks much of our "good" bacteria, which makes it easier for a vaginal yeast infection to develop. Adding beneficial bacteria ( also known as probiotics - like Lactobacillius acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum) will improve the intestinal flora, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, promote better digestion & increase resistance to illness. These supplements can be found at health food stores and are easy to take and can be surprisingly tasty if you choose the fruit-flavored chewable wafers!
Natural progesterone is much different from the synthetic progestin such as Provera, which is know to cause bloating, headaches, depression, weight gain, and may possibly increase the risk of fatal coronary artery spasm. Natural progesterone has no serious side effects at the usual doses and has no adverse effects on blood lipids when compared to Provera. There are occasions when a woman may need the strong pharmocological effect of Provera, as in cases of heavy bleeding, but for purposes of replacement, natural progesterone is far superior in regard to both symptom relief and lack of side effects.
The September 2000 issue of the Journal of British Menopause Society gave a huge thumbs up for research findings on the benefits of Red Clover. Controlled studies strongly suggest this isoflavone-rich supplement had a significant positive effect on the rate of bone loss, cardiovascular health, and may offer protection against breast and endometrial cancer. It was also HIGHLY effective in reducing the occurrence of hot flashes and night sweats in both perimenopausal and menopausal women.
*Because of its estrogen-like and blood-thinning properties, consult your doctor before using if you are taking birth control pills or anticoagulants like Coumadin or heparin.
If smelly feet are a problem, wash your feet daily with anitbacterial soap and wear ONLY cotton socks. Dust feet with cornstarch and sprinkle some into your shoes. It's also advisable to soak your feet daily in either white vinegar or in a mixture of black tea. Brew 2 tea bags in a pint of boiling water for 15 minutes, then add tea to 2 quarts of cool water and soak for about 20 minutes. It may take a week or so but great improvement generally occurs by doing this.
If PMS symptoms plague you monthly, give the herb Vitex agnus-castus (also known as chaste tree berries) a try. Vitex helps relieve PMS symptoms because of its sedative & antispasmodic properties, as well as helping to balance hormone levels. Available in capsules, extract form.
A recent study showed that women who ate JUST four carrot sticks at least five days a week cut their risk of ovarian cancer in HALF. The reason: probably because carrots are extremely rich in beta-carotene, the orange pigment believed to be a strong cancer fighter. Other orange-colored foods rich in beta-carotene include apricots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and pumpkin. The study also touted lycopene, the red nutrient found in tomato sauce, as a valuable beta-carotene-rich food source capable of helping the body deflect cancer invasions.
Vaginal odor is a big concern for many women. In fact, 3 out of 10 women in the U.S. douche regularly. But, keep in mind this can be dangerous because douching products contain chemicals that can irritate your vagina and urethra. Douches also kill the body's natural bacteria, which makes you more susceptible to vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis (BV), yeast infection, and to the STD chlamydia. Douching may also increase women's risk of ectopic pregnancy and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a condition which, if left untreated, can lead to infertility.
Once a woman become pregnant, the world and its dangers become even more perilous. Herbs that contain salicin, which is similar to an aspirin-type compound found in willow barks, should be avoided because of their risks associated with aspirin, birth defects and Reye's syndrome.
Other more common herbs used in cooking, like cinnamon, sage, nutmeg and fennel are relatively safe to use, but only in moderation. The concern centers on the fact they are uterine stimulants. Goldenseal is also on the list, but basically it's best to consult your doctor to make sure you know what to avoid so you can enjoy a safe and healthy pregnancy.
Progesterone deficiencies in women can cause numerous health problems including painful periods, migraines, unexplained infertility, painful, lumpy breasts (fibrocystic disease), endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, hair loss, fibroids, and can contribute to osteoporosis. Most deficiencies can be remedied by use of natural progesterone cream.
Osteoporosis is a thinning of the bones - a disease in which the amount of calcium present in the bones slowly decreases to a point where bones become brittle and fragile, and can fracture with mild stress. Eighty percent of the more than 24 million Americans who have osteoporosis are women. As estrogen levels decrease, the risk of osteoporosis increases. It affects almost half of all women over 50 and almost 90 percent of those over age 75.
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