August 4, 2006, Newsletter Issue #160: Glucosamine & Arthritis

Tip of the Week

Glucosamine sulfate is a naturally occurring substance found in high concentrations in joint structures, but as we age we lose the ability to produce sufficient levels. Cartilage then loses its ability to hold water and act as a shock absorber. Glucosamine improves symptoms, including pain, and it actually helps the body REPAIR damaged joints by stimulating the manufacture of substances necessary for joint repair. It isnīt an anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving drug and noticeable results can take up to 8 weeks. It will produce better, safer results than NSAIDs. The therapeutic margin of safety, is 10 to 30 times more favorable for glucosamine than for commonly used NSAIDs. If stomach upset occurs just take the supplement with meals. Recommended dosage is 1500 mg daily.

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