May 4, 2001, Newsletter Issue #36: Fresh Breath For Springtime!

Tip of the Week

First off, you have to realize that bad breath is a result of nasty old bacteria lurking in your mouth. These bacteria feast on whatever food remenants remain in your teeth and then produce newly compounded odors, as well as producing irritating toxins that damage your gums. These toxins can actually cause your gums to pull away from your teeth, which allows extra groups of toxins to move in an take up residence.

You can combat this bacterial invasion by rinsing your mouth with Viadent, an over-the-counter mouthwash that contains an extract of the medicinal herb sanguinaria (bloodroot.) This is a very powerful antiseptic as well and really attacks bacteria that tries to hide under the gumline and in areas the toothbrush may miss.

You`ve also heard over and over about the benefits of flossing - but did you know that folks who don`t floss actually end up with more heart disease problems? So, to start off our quest for better breath that can lead to better health, click on the link below to learn more about this risk.

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