April 27, 2001, Newsletter Issue #35: Homeopathic Help For Hayfever

Tip of the Week

A survey published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that 2.3 million Americans used homeopathy in 1990, and the National Center for Homeopathy estimates that at least 2,500 practitioners now use homeopathy in the United States. Sales of homeopathic medicines in health and drug stores are rising at the rate of 25 percent annually as more people recognize the benefits of these non-invasive remedies.

The basis of homeopathy does sound a bit hokey when you first try to understand it, and scientifically, it`s baffling as to how it works as well as it does. Homeopathic medicine is based on the principle of similars -that is, whatever symptoms and syndromes a substance causes in large or toxic doses, it can heal when given in specially prepared, exceedingly small doses. This compares with the way immunizations work in giving a small dose of a virus or bacteria in order to stimulate a person`s immune system to create antibodies to protect against a specific infection like measles, flu or malaria. Allergy shots also work on the same principle.

Homeopathic remedies found to be helpful for specific allergy symptoms include:

ALLIUM CEPA - For sufferers with eyes that sting & swell; acrid nasal discharge that irritates the nose & upper lip; frequent sneezing; headache at back of head; symptoms worse indoors and in the evening.

ARSENICUM ALBUM - For when eyes feeling burning hot with acrid tears that sting the cheeks; thin burning nasal discharge which burns the top lip; nasal passages feel blocked; tickling sensation in one spot in nose that isn`t relieved by violent sneezing which may occur; feels worn out and is much better indoors.

NATRUM MURIATICUM - For eyelids that become swollen & itchy; profuse tears that sting the eyes; frequent violent sneezing accompanied by burning, profuse, watery nasal discharge.

NUX VOMICA - For eyes and nose with terrible itching sensation & irritation that affects the throat; frequent, lengthy sneezing bouts - followed by burning, profuse, watery nasal discharge; symptoms increase in severity around 10 p.m.

Recommended dosage is to use the 12C or 12X potency EVERY half hour until you feel an improvement. That`s your cue to STOP taking the remedy. Break out the remedy ONLY when symptoms reappear and follow the same directions.

The world of Homeopathy is one you should be aware of because its benefits can be so beneficial to your family`s health. This is crucial, especially in light of the many dangers lurking within prescription drugs that doctors are handing out like candy. It`s VERY interesting to note that NO side effects have ever been associated with Homeopathic remedies. Think of that the next time you listen to an ad for prescription drugs and listen to the list of possible side effects rattled off in the calm voice of the ad`s narrator.

Click on the link below to learn more about Homeopathic Remedies and choosing the correct strength right for you!

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